Animated series (3 season)
The main characters of the series are castellan Mirmil, the hypochondriac ruler of the village, where Kaiko and Kokosh serve as warriors; Lubawa, Mirmila’s powerful wife; the little dragon Miluś; the benevolent witch Jaga ; her husband, the good robber Breikbon (Lamignat) and antagonists in the series: the military knightly order of the Knights Knights Knights (Zbójcerze), based on the Teutonic Knights led by the Hegemon, with his second in command, Hitler-like corporal and Schweik-like Loser (Oferm). The stories are written in a playful manner and contain light satirical elements, usually puns about the reality of life in a communist-led Poland, with characters sometimes mentioning trade unions, bureaucracy, lack of goods, and the like.
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